Tiki Talk

tikigodIt’s not such a bad life, being a tiki god outside the Tahiti-Fa’aa International Airport in Papeete.


Nobody really worships me anymore, but the hepcat money just rolls in. And I get to watch the planes come in.


I wonder who’s president in America now. It’s probably not still that Kennedy. I don’t get to see the paper much except when one flutters past.


Still, almost all the people who get off the plane are white guys with expensive clothes, so I guess there can’t have been too much of a shakeup.


It gets kind of boring during the off season, but it could be worse.


Hapahala says that this place is a real dump compared to Sydney Airport in Australia, but I think he’s full of crap. I don’t think he’s ever even been to Australia. Unta-Tahiki says he’s never even seen him move from that rock over by the customs house.


One good thing is that I get to work close to my wife. She’s mounted over the baggage claim.


Of course that’s way over the hell on the other side of the building. But you don’t see me complaining! Women.


I wonder if today’s flight will have any Japanese dudes on it. They usually come off the plane totally ripped. That’s fun to watch.


No, it’s not such a bad life, being a tiki god outside the Tahiti-Fa’aa International Airport in Papeete.