Where Humor Goes to Die: “That’s” “Not” “Funny”

No one gets angry at a mathematician or a physicist whom he or she doesn’t understand, or at someone who speaks a foreign language; but rather at someone who tampers with their own language. The bastard form of mass culture is humiliated repetition — always new books, new programs, new …

Hello the Internet I Love You: Two Tickets to Stupid-Ass

Your Yahoo! News, your YouTube, your Atlas Shrugs, they come and go.  Some web site comment sections go to college to get more knowledge, and some go to Jupiter to get more stupider.  But one comment section reigns supreme.  One comments section has come out on top, year after year, …

The Most Beautiful Fraud: The Critics are Raving About Atlas Shrugged!

Because I guess we’ve exhausted all of our other entertainment options, somebody has gone ahead and made a movie of Atlas Shrugged.  The troubled production has finally arrived in cineplexes, and while it’s not the big-budget blockbuster Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie extravaganza we were once promised, I’m sure it’s a wonderful …

Where Comedy Goes to Die: WIN-tervention!

In the interests of fairness, and to placate those who felt yesterday’s column was a bit unfair, today we’re going to discuss America’s favorite hobby:  dropping bombs on Middle Eastern countries.  While it’s sometimes proven slightly controversial — although not so controversial that pretty much every post-war president hasn’t done …