Always Lashing the Same Back

It continues to amaze me every day how completely and thoroughly we fail to understand our own culture.  It’s especially baffling considering that this country, really, only has pop culture going for it; having given up on the Supermanly troika of truth, justice, and the American Way, and having shipped …

E11, or, À la Recherche du Tims Perdu: An Introduction

I like baseball.  One might even say that I love baseball, although it is a love, much like that of the love I bear for my imaginary spouse of twelve years Uma Thurman, that is almost entirely one-sided.  The point is, even when my beloved White Sox are not playing, …

The 2012 iNternet diCkbAg chAmpionship tournament

If only the eliminated contestants would disappear forever.  If only I had written this in March when it had a tiny amount of relevance.  If only I hadn’t filled out my actually NCAA brackets based on which team had the guys with the funniest names.  So many regrets. Cultural Conference, …

Solutions To All Problems Now Available

Attention media professionals, academics, authors, popular culture enthusiasts, seekers after wisdom, and other information-needing individuals and/or organizations:  today is your lucky day!  For today is the day I , Leonard A. Pierce Jr., announce that I am available for consultation on any and all topics — at a highly reasonable …