Taste The Austerity

Mmmm!  What’s that devilish flavor, Midge?  It’s got a base of frowning judge and overtones of cold marble and concrete, sprinkled with arbitrary traditions and with subtle hints of collective punishment!  Wait, I know — it’s austerity! Yes, it’s the hot new lifestyle trend that’s sweeping Europe, and it’s coming to America, …

See, We Gotta Be Exploited By Somebody

The recent cultural fisticuffs over Amanda Palmer’s initial decision to hire local musicians to play for her in exchange for the non-negotiable instruments of “beer and hugs” has rippled far beyond Palmer herself, becoming a talking point in a larger conversation about what it means to be an artist in …

President Boss

Elections, as people on the losing end of them are painfully used to being reminded, are as much about personalities as they are about politics.  A candidate can have the most reasonable, sensible policies imaginable, but doesn’t stand a chance of winning office if, as they say, the dogs don’t …

They Schools

There are a number of symptoms of rot amongst the “New Democrats” — the dominant aggregation of technocratic centrists who have given us the presidencies of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama — that keep progressives and leftists from doing our party-bound duty to embrace new realities of forced austerity and …