Mr. Speaker

Excitement is hardly in short supply this year when it comes to politics, but the Republican Party, apparently committed to its position as a third-place network who will throw absolutely anything at the viewing audience just to see what sticks, is offering us fare like those overstuffed modern dramas where something …

One Picture a Day

Peggy Guggenheim’s relationships with men were difficult, to put it mildly. As the new documentary Peggy Guggenheim:  Art Addict makes clear, the heiress and collector was far ahead of her time, both in recognizing the value of modern paintings and sculpture and in navigating the world of fine art — a world often …

Dr. Cup

Just prior to beginning work on his first feature film, 1979’s Real Life, comedian Albert Brooks had been making short subjects for the show that would eventually become known as Saturday Night Live (or, as the bewildered Phoenix city councilman puts it when introducing Brooks in the film, “Good Night Saturday”). …

Difficult Program

The problem with the comedy of humiliation… No, no, let’s start again. That seems dated.  Ever since Seinfeld creator Larry David unleashed his… No, that’s predictable.  Everybody’s gone there already.  Might as well be doing riffs on the American Office.  Let’s try one more time. When you’re making a comedy about extremely …

Born Angland

Paul Kingsnorth is the co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project, a collective of artists and intellectuals who believe that mankind has irretrievably poisoned the environment.  They are producing writing, art, and thought informed by the idea that we are living in the last days of human dominance; their ideas are …

Takes Coordination

For many first-time visitors to the United States, an understanding of its culture can be hard to come by.  Despite the American entertainment industry’s never-flagging efforts to export the nation’s finest bullet- and fart-joke-imbued movies and television programs to far-flung parts of the globe, many foreign tourists have been insufficiently …